Hello everyone!

I'm Maksim Korzh aka Code Monkey King, an independent freelancer and blogger. This is my personal visit card website intended to showcase what I've been up with through the years.

Back in the day, in about 2018, I've started my first YouTube channel called Monkey See, Monkey Do (former Code Monkey King) covering hobby programming projects, and in two years the second one entirely dedicated to chess programming.

The format of video programming tutorials was my preferred way of learning, hence the desire to give something back to the community. When I realized that the more I shared what I was currently learning on my own, the more it benefited in return, I began to emphasize the didactic aspect of the content I was creating.

Eventually this has brought be to the path of freelancing, but the classical way of how freelance is usually done, like on specialized platform, e.g. Upwork, has only served me as a starter point. Since I always valued freedom above money and has been strongly disagreed that the latter equals the former, instead of being competetive and trying to search for a job I was making my YouTube content to serve as source of attracting potential clients. This allowed me to choose and not to be chosen.

The scope of my interests goes beyond programming and technologies. For instance I practice Chinese Qigong. since 2006 to keep healthy and not being captivated by the unfortunate modern trends to sell one's internal treasure for temporary benefits resulting in burnout followed by desolation. Also I like to work by hands, e.g. welding, and make video about my daily life in style of art-house film making.

Thank you for being here. I look forward to sharing and growing with you.